Sunday, January 30, 2005

my tongue is on fire

Okay, so I've been eating like a super-star...No, not purging; I've been doing an excellent job of eating the way I want to eat...low cal, high fiber, as high as protein as a non meat & dairy girl can possibly eat (sans the protein powder that tastes like Evil himself)...but, today I found myself in search of some answers...While watching a cheesy old Jennifer Anniston movie, it occurred to me that I would give at least one of my pinky toes simply in exchange for a small serving of salt and vinegar chips...Now, I've been having minimal to no cheats on average. I thought to myself, "Self, should we get ourselves some salt and vinegar chips?" I held back. Finally, after wanting my beloved S&V chips for like a half an hour, I remembered what I've read several times, which is something like this: "Don't ignore your cravings...If you want chocolate, then have a little piece...Otherwise, when you try to fill up on celery and apples and non-fat bran muffins to satisfy your craving, you will probably still then break down and have the chocolate. Better to just have the chocolate in the first place." So, I thought I'd just have a few salt and vinegar chips...and, my dumb ass ate 3/4 of the entire bag!! I wonder what the experiences with others are on this whole "give in just a little" theory...

Further, those of you who have ever eaten 75 percent of a bag of salt and vinegar chips in one setting are aware of the certain impending side effects of tongue swelling, tongue pain, and a slight speech impediment for at least 24 hours.<

a href="">A Series of Awkward Moments

Friday, January 28, 2005

I just want to say, "happy birthday Margaret."

A Series of Awkward Moments: Not MY Meth. Lab!!

Not MY Meth. Lab!!

So, my fiance and I have a rental property that sort of helps us along financially. Last week we got a call... From our tenants on the left side of the duplex... About the METH LAB on the right side of the duplex! HOLY TWEAKER; I could NOT believe my ears...Of course, the tiny spy camera mounted on their porch had us questioning, but we would have never ever guessed a meth. lab...

While the story in itself is actually rather funny (mostly, as my fiance points out, because things like this just seem to have a way of happening to me--eventually, you just have to laugh.), it also gets sort of sad. When we stopped by (after the bust--never thought I'd be saying that on my blog) we ran into the girl's mom, and I found out that the girl involved was only 18 YEARS OLD. The guy? 28.

The good news is that the cops and the environmental government people say that the house does not have to be torn down! And, we'll no longer be living off of drug money! Hip, hip hooray!

Anyways, is soymilk supposed to have a tingly feeling? I think my soymilk has gone bad. Yuck. My tongue should NOT be numb, I am sure of it.
A Series of Awkward Moments

Friday, January 21, 2005

A Series of Awkward Moments

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.
-Elie Wiesel

*I think I may have posted this quote before. It is my number one favorite quote. I'm posting it in response to Mia's Jan. 18th post (I am dumb
at making links, so sorry) in which she said:

. . . And it opened my eyes to how unfair the world really is, and it made me believe that if I did not actively work against bigotry, than I was as racist and biggoted as any of the "ignorant" folks I sometimes found myself surrounded by. . .
A Series of Awkward Moments


Thursday, January 20, 2005

i think my dog is a hippie

I just fed Preston, my beloved lab, another dried apricot halve. He freakin' loves them...along with every other type of vegetation known to man. We often joke that maybe he is a vegetarian at heart, because he spends a really huge amount of time eating various plants when he is outside. I mean, it is way above average, here. Preston loves him some greens. The other day, I fed him some acorn squash and a tomato. He looked at me with eyes that said, "keep this secret veggie feeding thing up, and you may finally be my favorite." Lately, we've been noticing that he really loves to lay on the yoga mat, as well. I freely admit. I will admit I am secretly happy to know that Preston at least has some hippie-ish tendencies...It just helps me to assume that if he were a registered voter, he would probably not go Republican. I like to think that he is actually quite liberal. Yes, a liberal, vegetarian hippie--who loves me best.

I have not been feeling like updating at all! I really just don't know why. I keep having these secret fears that when I finally feel like updating again, no one will want to talk to me anymore! Well, Dont' Cry for me, Argentina...the truth is that I NEVER left you...I've been reading; just not writing.

Ummm, I have this view on life and work that has sort of shifted and developed in the last year or so...It really seems that those of us who live this "American dream" life/goals can just become so BUSY, and what's the point? So, there's something that you may not know about me that is about life in general...I don't feel the need to achieve the American Dream...I think that we work toooooo much. I'd rather get to the end of my life and know that I have spent my time building relationships and myself as a person and an altruist--things that are more internal than a nice car and nice clothes.

I'm reading this funny book, "Autobiography of a Fat Bride," which is sort of a caricature of my own life...Many, many awkward and humbling moments to be found here. It is really funny.

awwwwwwwwww. Posted by Hello

Here is one of my very best friends with his beloved "Mini-me." He even plays a game where you hide "Mini-me" somewhere, and he will ransack the house until he finds his little pal. Posted by Hello

Monday, January 03, 2005

Just got back

A Series of Awkward Moments: I worked my ass off today...yay!

A Happy New Year to all! I just got back from Texas like an hour ago...That's why I haven't updated for a few days...It was a great time...I'll do a proper update tomorrow...I'm planning to get back on my eating and exercise schedule tomorrow, too.

I do want to add that the cardio I've been doing (er, well, not on my vacation, exactly) has actually been leaving me feeling more energetic throughout my day....It's wierd how you don't even realize that you've gotten yourself to a place where you have less energy than you should...the regression is so insidious that it seems to go without being noticed...but, I do notice feeling great.

Must go...I have community kitchen at 6 a.m.