May the teeny tiny baby Jesus (with his baby Einstein videos) forgive me for so coveting this overpriced chair. I'm still working on finding a decent rationalization, I mean inexpensive alternative.
Goodnight weekend, hello new week. May I do all of the things that I always promise myself I'll do, like lay out my clothes and pre-make my lunches and work out every day. For the first time.
Looks like it is two more weeks 'till spring break. Unlike last year, in a different teaching situation, I am not holding onto my sanity with white knuckles, pleading with the universe so I can hold out for spring break...I actually miss the kids on our breaks. Really, I think the big perk is getting to stay in my jammies and drink wine with lunch.
And regarding the sea monkey update you asked for (or didn't)... Sea monkeys: surprisingly hearty. I teach an after school environmentalism program to help fight the black, sticky air that characterizes breathing in urban Dallas; we "hatched" sea monkeys, which are creepy little brine shrimp whose eggs can live in a sealed envelope for an undetermined amount of time. I really thought they died due to a catastrophous event regarding the purity of the water. It was around Valentine's day and I didn't want to break any hearts, I mean these monkeys had names. So, I put the sea monkey coffin deep in my dark pantry of secrets (i.e. that place where teachers put piles of stuff that they don't want anyone to know they are disorganized enough to have) and didn't feed them. Ever. When I finally showed the environmentalism club the blood bath so they could analyze the results of their experiement, pull out the cocktail sauce, those little guys actually lived! Well, two of them. It's kind of like that movie 28 Days Later, actually. I'm hoping the two will find eachother and repopulate their earth. Soon, before I forget to feed them again.
Teachers know everything. Really. We do.