Monday, July 27, 2009

you see me rollin'

"We have to be focused when we makes the cake."

To be fair, it is a famous cake. And, if we're being honest, not my first time to be asked to focus. In January we finally made time, and B's mom carefully guided two rookies through each step, sub-step, and teeny tiny baby sub step of the family cherished + aptly famed chocolate roll recipe. B's grandmother debuted famous-cake years before; then, B's dad and mom, being an engineer and slight perfectionist, respectively, added an endearing if not slightly overwhelming set of sub-steps. Let no man put asunder.

chicken wire + great grandpa's (now grandpa's) vegetable garden.

My camera is in some eternal error mode, which is sad because it is summer and I'd like to be taking pictures all the time. If you have the Canon Rebel, and you know what to do when it gives the error message that says it can't shoot but to try turning the camera on and off, please enlighten me.

Today, with Transcendental Meditation teachers to "check in"; they are so helpful and patient with all of the rookie questions.

Then, to watch "The Ugly Truth," where I deftly avoided peeing on myself, it was so funny.

does it work?

Trying to figure out how to upload bigger pictures into blogger.  Let's see how much more I like this photo when it's giant.

Okay, so it cut the picture in half. Dang. But it is big, so I guess that's progress.  
Update:  I figured it out!  I'm so happy.