Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A Series of Awkward Moments

Feeling less evil today. Hooray! I'm feeling better about education--it's just the university stuff that gets to me...After being at a school all morning, I'm the time spent with kids. No, really. LOVE. IT. Did I mention that my "little" of 2 1/2 years through Big Brothers, Big Sisters is moving far far away? I wasn't thinking that I would get another one for quite awhile, but today, when I was working with ornery fourth and fifth graders, I just thought...maybe. Yesterday, I was in a special ed. classroom where I hang out two days a week. I freaking love it. I absolutely love kids. I feel a special pull to the problem children...Will talk more later.
It's really sinking in that my "little" is moving. I just love her so much...I can't imagine that this move is positive for her...but, I will always always be here to support her. Kids need support so much.
Must eat lunch...Will write more later.