...or, rather, being empty. Science tells us matter is 99.99 percent emptiness.
I study about 30 min. every morning, somehow devoted to my spiritual growth. It's something I've been doing for myself for quite awhile. This morning, I watch Deepak Chopra's "How to Know God." It blows my mind almost as much as "What the Bleep Do We Know." Quantum Physics, if you haven't explored it, will rock your world. The most crazy thing is that the findings so closely echo many of the mainstays of Buddhism...emptiness...impermanence...the world as an illusion...
People who have studied Buddhism know it is more of a practice than a religion...It's a set of steps toward "knowing truth," they say...I wonder, were these early Buddhas (fully awakened persons) simply able to intuit something we will someday all know as science??