(mmm...dark chocolate cake, home made)
Yes, I have a fourteen-year old brother. My dad has been raising children for ninety-seven years.

(fabulous step-mom lighting up the cake.)
The past couple of years, G has had a family birthday gathering at Dave and Busters. Of course, we love this. It's a kids' party, but you get to eat food other than pizza; and, you can have a Guinness! Or, Baily's and coffee, as it may be.

(grown-up "cake." see the frothy goodness?)

(does anyone actually win anything here?)
We very much enjoyed our time with G (+ the family), who has unlimited texting now (as does our twelve year old sister). It is fun that they are getting to an age where we they are starting to communicate like grown ups...Of course we're talking about texting: Maybe I'm communicating like a teenager?! IDK. TTYL.*

(Gateway drug to vegas, I think.)
I don't know. Talk to you later.
Or, I'm also texting someone else more
important than you and don't have time
to spell your words out, loser.