I've mentioned that we've been house hunting. We have driven ALL over, trying to be more open minded versions of our actual selves. Guess what: it worked in a big, bad ol' way! Our new favorite local is North Oak Cliff. My teaching partner (soon to be) is in the process of buying there, and she opened our eyes to one of the best areas in all of Dallas-Fort Worth. They do things differently in the Cliff, more funky-like. That's the way we like it. Way cooler than me, to be honest. As you can see, even the birds have a style of their own. Anyways, learning about North Oak Cliff is exciting, because I only learned about all of the most fabulous parts of it after I started reflecting on the fact that we make our happy whereever we are, bloom where planted, yada, yada. AND, as if I'm not already happy with my proximity to work (5 mi), I'll be even closer! Wanna be my new neighbor? Check it out: www.cliffdwellermagazine.com OR www.bishopartsdistrict.com

Hydrangeas. Next best choice after I found out lillies could kill my cat (sorry Riley, I didn't know). p.s. Riley didn't ever actually eat the lilliess, but he did play it fast and loose, batting them around on a few occassions.

I miss my kids. I wish I could show you pictures of them; they are so full of life and each wonderful! Either teaching is THE best profession for me, or I am seriously still honeymooning. I cannot wait to get a whole new batch in a month! I know. Annoyingly excited. Barf. In spite of my enthusiasm, *H*, if you are reading this, I have been really thinking about going into child life at some point (I know I have been telling this to you for about 6 years now, but it has always been true!). I'm thinking of doing an internship next summer and a little volunteering in the near future. If you don't know what child life is, go to: http://www.mdanderson.org/topics/kids/display.cfm?id=1ac80c36-5a75-4c9e-bf278a114fa26830&method=displayfull (Sorry for the necessary cut and paste. As fabulous as Mac's are, they are not so good with some blogger formatting things, so you'll have to do to your own link. It IS a good article. Go!)