Sunday, April 26, 2009

The one in which she professes miracles.

fruit-salad + eggs with sweet potatoes + coffee.

Seriously. Baby Jesus? Genie?

How, how, how, after FOUR weeks of predictable debilitating headaches, do I not have one right now? And did not have one last night? (And last night would have been the debilitating one...the morning/afternoon ones are like a light migraine; the night one, I cannot describe.)

EXACTLY at the point in which I honestly felt like I had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS GOING TO DO.

These things go in cycles, and I am thinking my "cycle" might be over. I am in disbelief over the timing.

Sometimes I wonder if all this is happening because I keep saying I want to grow personally, spiritually...It's like one gut check after another. I really and truly do wonder this.

I'm headed off to the zoo, medication-free, which means I'll have real actual emotions and be more of a person than a zombie!!