+b and i+ looking kind of creepy
I have been on a serious Christmas kick. I know how weird that is, but it occurred to me that school is going to start kind of soon, which means it's fall. Fall? Thanksgiving, which I also love. And to me, that means it's basically Christmas. Ah, I love it. I don't know why I'm in that place lately, but I've taken in It's a Wonderful Life, recently. The Bishop's Wife. The Family Stone. The Holiday. As much as I love the holidays, I seriously just don't like the present part. Isn't that bad? I should feel bad. In my plans for future queendom, we'll only give presents to people we don't know that really need it, and maybe anonymously. Or, maybe we'll just give offerings of time; I haven't worked out the details. Although I'm not a Christian really (at least not by most Christian's standards), I think celebrating who Jesus actually probably was and believed in is a wonderful idea, kind of like celebrating Ghandi's or Buddha's beliefs, or the Tao. I believe they liked the same ideals. I love the Christmas season for a heightened sense of mindfulness in all areas, appreciation for loved ones, servanthood. Having said that, I do think the whole magic of Santa thing is seriously cool and my hypothetical future children will totally be leaving some cookies and milk on the dinner table.
And onto more seasonally appropriate topics... So, juice fasting: love it, turns out. I did two days, and day two was by far the best. No hunger on day two, although sinus headaches, yes. I was not prepared for the hightened clarity and mindfulness, and I've heard that after day four is when you usually start seeing those kinds of benefits. It is hard to express in words, but I would say that it is somehow spiritually and emotionally cathartic. You are forced to constantly process emotions and thoughts and let them flow. It reminds me of peeling an onion, or of blowing the clouds out of your little corner of the sky, one by one to see that the sky was always blue afterall...Even when it seemed a sea of grey.
Apparently, juice fasting is supposed to have some serious healing qualities (think a dog who stops eating when sick), as your body is releaved of the arduous task of digestion to focus on healing throughout your body. I (and B is with me, which adds to the fun) am just doing it for the emotional/spiritual side of the coin right now. When we have a real juicer, I'd like to consider a longer stint. Today, I'm taking off, but I'm thinking I'll go for Friday and Saturday and then off again at least for my mom's visit on Sunday/Monday. She wants to try our new favorite restaurant, which is vegan. In Dallas, cowboy!
Wednesday is our anniversary, so we will be eating out for some super fabulous meal in which we will sit at our table for longer than is smiled upon by social norms. I guarantee some cheese and wine will be in company. And desert. And Lavatzza coffee. We are on year 3. Six total years together, which is officially almost double my second biggest relationship. I am so such a big girl now. Year three was probably the hardest and the best. I think we got the most done in year three, at least, as far as our relationship is concerned. Year two might of actually been the harder. Yeah, revision: two was harder. Nothing scandalous, it's just that marriage is hard work and it can be hard to bypass the walls you didn't know you even had. Year one was easy at the time, but when I look back, I think we were somewhat distant from one another without really getting that.
Then comes the world tour. Friday, we are going to Kansas City to see B's parents and friends. And then into the more rural Kansas, to see grandma and smile at the place where we got married. THEN, we are going from there to Colorado; our friends invited us to go to a cabin with them. I am seriously excited, as Colorado is truly beautiful. And THEN, I'm back for a few days only to leave again for NYC with a girl I teach with. The best part is I get to see my friend, C, so we can pick up exactly where we left off, as usual.