It is 11:37 pm and I just submitted my assignment, meaning that I am a mere 23 minutes from the ultimate doom and professor judgement of being late AND getting a zero. According to my computer clock and my class syllabus, I just spent over two hours on....four points. My internal clock is unfortuantely registering at 7,642 minutes, a testament to the relativity of time. So to sum up, we are looking at 2 points an hour...or, 3,281 divided by 60 (no time left for math now).
Suffice it to say, I wasted (or generously donated?) a 1000 dollars this week, because that's how much money the class I decided to drop costs, and at 2 hours per class point on a good day, heck if I could complete the nine hours I'm enrolled in with any shread of life balance left flapping in the breezes. Something had to give. Something gave. My bank account gave. Probably a little piece of my reputation as a graduate student gave. Here's to living off of the future. LaChaim!
Also in the "living off of financial aid" category is the fact that I had a fabulous Container Store adventure in shopping this morning and a subsequent trip to Salvation Army where I officially became a bag lady for 2.99. Or a teacher. The point is, I am now offically sporting a rusted wheely cart with a box of student papers hugged snuggly by a used bungee cord that has been God knows where. I am one step closer to denim jumpers and cardigans with apples and plus signs. And probably a lot of cats.