Monday, November 01, 2004

get over it

Are the Gods of morning punishing me for living in sin, or what? Again, my fiance has woken up in a state of morning dumbness and turned off MY ALARM CLOCK! I cannot tell you how absolutely maddening this is. It makes me into a crazed urber-psycho-creature that very few people have only heard of, never seen.

First, my professors have convinced me that should a teacher ever be late, they will certainly be fired on the spot. And whether aI believe that or not, it's just that I need a routine....I'm sort of a failed perfectionist (if you will...not that I recommend it)--so, in the morning, when I have my routine in mind, if it get's jacked up, I just feel that I've started my day all wrong.--like it's ruined.--or, maybe it's more than that... Okay, it's this. For such a loooooooong time, it has been a definite goal of mine to work out in the a.m.--Due to teachery practicum stuff, it really does have to be early if I'm going to do it in the morning.

I used to live alone in the cutest loft studio ever, and I would wake up early every morning, slowly sipping tea with milk, writing in my journal. I enjoyed being up before most of the world around me....I guess what I want now is that plus a little fitness, and when I get neither, and it's totally out of my control, I find that a litttle maddening.