Saturday, September 08, 2007

Let me see that tootsie roll

Labor Day Weekend: Fountain
Labor Day Weekend: Another Fountain
Labor Day Weekend: Fountain AND Preston and Tyler watching B walk away. Keep in mind that I'm behind them, perfectly interesting, snapping this photo...but they don't care, b/c they are all about B. Story of my life, people. (and by people, I mean 3 people...and that's okay!)
Here is Tyler rocking out to ACDC. This boy loves music, and he loves it to be rock. I tried to force Frank Sinatra on him shortly before this photo was taken, and he basically rolled his eyes at me. Here, he is in his true element.

You know, Tyler has always loved guitar. My dad plays guitar like a pro, and he always used to (and still does) play for my brother. Tyler used to scoot himself across the floor to wherever the guitar was, secret giggles bursting out as he approaches his acoustic island. Digging his teeth deeply into the edge of the body of the guitar (yes, my dad let him do this. sacrificial love.), he would reach his hand up and strum the strings, giggling as the sensation of the vibrations moved through his body. He would just sit there and drool over this guitar, just cracking up in contagious laughter. And my dad would let him do this, even though eventually the entire body of his guitar was lined with tooth marks like a nervous kid's number 2 pencil. My dad and T are best buds. One of the hardest thing for all of us was when it was time for Tyler to move to a group home.

Don't worry, we're all fine now. And obviously Tyler and I are fine, b/c we get to rock out to "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap."

*Also debuting in photo is new-to-me 1950's couch/hide-a-bed I bought on Craigslist. Moving it into the apartment was a serious threat to our marriage, but we made it through...Heavy-ass furniture makes me so mad, not to mention I have a problem with falling into a hysterical fit of laughter for no reason other than that it's a terrible time to laugh.

p.s. Lauren: A Tico breakfast is rice and beans, eggs and black coffee. Sometimes pineapple. Costa Rican's nicknamed themselves "Tico's," apparently b/c in their dialect, they tend to end words with "tico" as a suffix. Can I recall any such words? Uh, no. But that IS what I heard. Costa Rica is a special place, slow and simple life, beautiful and complex surroundings. More biodiversity than anywhere else in the world. And they gave up their army years ago! They have one of the highest literacy rates in the world, although they are far from rich. I think you'd love it there, I really do. Maybe we could be neighbors?