our old apartment + imposing cat + dog + mess
Well, my job seems to want me back next year. Yay for me, because I'm having a crap-load of fun and really love where I am; the thought of going longer into the summer does not seem like work. Of course, I eventually tend to love where ever I work, and I really believe we make our happiness where ever we are, but I also think this is just right for me right now. It amazes me that my weeks and weekends seem to blend into one another more and more, as I become increasingly "present" throughout the week. Part of this is the humility of spending all day every day with the same little kids depending on me; it is unbelievably humbling, such a blessing. It seems wrong not to show up excited to see them; their eyes light up when I pick them up in the morning, and they give extra long hugs on Fridays and before breaks. The most humbling thing is that all of that is not about me. I really believe that's just how kids are; they just want to see your eyes light up back.
Anways, although I love where I am (and plan on staying until security is called), I was missing some of the fun of middle school tonight. Man, I *loved* messing with those kids. Most of them didn't know the teacher could control all of the computers in the computer lab, so I got a lot out of computer lab days. I would blank out all of the kids' screens with "I know what you did last summer," and I liked to take over boys' computers and google things like "How to sing like Britney" and barbie.com. In my room, I had one of those giant projectors that would show my computer screen. I once put up one of those, "find what's wrong with this picture" things that you stare at until the girl from the Ring pops up all huge, scary and screaming (loud). I'm talking the size of a wall, that scary little girl. These kids literally fell out on the floor, and I'm sure I annoyed some teacher neighbors; it was the best day.
If I ever go back to middle school (or high school), I will always take 2nd grade with me. I've decided that they really aren't different. The younger ones are just more transparent (Okay, infinitely easier, but still- basically the same). They all need you. They all want you to love them and like them; the middle school ones just take awhile to buy into you. They've seen more failures, realized that not everyone will love them back; they are the same thing, just more insecure.