Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A Series of Awkward Moments

Feeling less evil today. Hooray! I'm feeling better about education--it's just the university stuff that gets to me...After being at a school all morning, I'm the time spent with kids. No, really. LOVE. IT. Did I mention that my "little" of 2 1/2 years through Big Brothers, Big Sisters is moving far far away? I wasn't thinking that I would get another one for quite awhile, but today, when I was working with ornery fourth and fifth graders, I just thought...maybe. Yesterday, I was in a special ed. classroom where I hang out two days a week. I freaking love it. I absolutely love kids. I feel a special pull to the problem children...Will talk more later.
It's really sinking in that my "little" is moving. I just love her so much...I can't imagine that this move is positive for her...but, I will always always be here to support her. Kids need support so much.
Must eat lunch...Will write more later.


  1. Hi Faye! I think about this all the time. People are constantly trying to get me to consider going into administration. I have no intetest in this whatsoever, largely due to what you're talking about here. There is so much nonsense and b/s in education, that the only reason I put up with it at all is because I get to be with the kids every day. Take that juice out of the equation, and there's no payback. Hang in there! - Mia

  2. Hey, I'm adding on to that last comment. Or no, I'm starting a new one. Well, whichever one doesn't make me look stupid!

    I just had to get a political rant off my ample bosom, and since you mentioned you'd be hospitable, here it is. I don't "hate" republicans, any more than I "love" democrats. I actually think all politicians are equally ridiculous. Unless your name is Barack Obama, in which case, you'll get my write in vote for every office. I'm in love. But I digress.

    I'm a heathen. It makes me physically ill that Bush makes policy decisions based on his religious beliefs. Um, crackpot religious beliefs, as far as I can tell. He is a born again fanatic, and he is hurtful with his stance on gay marriage and the constitution, Roe v. Wade, stem cell research, vouchers and his racist beliefs about public schools, his funding of "faith-based" charities, his attacks on "tax and spend liberals" (um, I guess "spend and spend conservative" is better? The guy squandered a surplus and racked up a deficit in four short years - what will happen in four more?).

    He displays a sense of entitlement that I loathe. Born into money, he was utterly without curiosity about the world and his place in it. You know, a lot of people get interests, hobbies, something; travel, "find themselves". He checked out with coke and booze, and now acts like he has the moral high ground because he found christ. Um, how about we worry about THIS life, and not bank so much on the afterlife, fella? Some of us have to hang around and inhabit this planet he's trying to destroy long after he goes to sit by the right hand of the good lord. To me it's like if Paris Hilton were elected to the presidency. And I know people like to poke fun at his ignorance, but there's nothing funny about. He is so *arrogant* about his ignorance. Have you ever heard him discussing sovereignty with tribal representatives? It's shameful. The final thing I just have to say before I burst is, he's not some benevolent presence to wait out. He has a seriously scary, ultra religious agenda. So when people go on about how "it's time to heal", I just shake my head in disbelief. It's time to bend over, grab your ankles, and prepare to...get your bible thumped.
