Tuesday, July 06, 2010

shit that scares me: finally being alone.

(my little sister with our dad's guitar)

And by alone, I mean aloooone. Margaret, are you with me, perhaps? Apparently, I have a Higher Power who will make sure I'm ok as I finally accept the changes in my life. I have threatened to kick some serious ass if this is not true. Not out loud. But for reals- I'm gonna.

Seems like as good a time as any to finally learn to play the guitar. I hope I like it. Everyone in my family seems to play, and it looks fun. Listening to my dad play guitar growing up is among my favorite memories. You know, it occurred to me: for someone who is so passionate about the arts, I've not tried them, really. What's up with that?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Sometimes the fact that you are in my life kind of makes me want to cry for joy.

    Yes, I am with you. I am *soooo* with you. Like it's astounding how with you I am. Last week I went into a guitar store and bought a guitar, immediately emailed a friend of mine who's a musician and asked for teacher recommendations. He's agreed to teach me in exchange for me taking some good pics of him on my ... wait for it ... Canon Rebel.

    No joke. Maybe we are twins separated at birth.

    Anyway, back to you. Being alone is hard. Especially being alone after so long of being a part of "we". But what keeps me going, what I have to keep reminding myself of every single fucking day, is that if I can't learn to embrace being alone then I will never really know the full joy of being with someone. There is a higher power out there looking out for you, soul sister. I know there is.

