My mom is recovering from a hysterectomy + removal of the tumor-- rumor is she looked 6 or 7 months pregnant! She says she never expected to be pregnant at 49, but she might actually take the baby over the tumor.
Anyways, her biopsy results came back; it looks like she has non-hodgkin's lymphoma. She had a bone marrow biopsy today-- but we won't hear back for awhile. It has occurred to me that I should get over my fear of bone marrow biopsies, should I need to look into sharing some marrow...not sure how that all works.
No one wants any cancer, but I think lymphoma is probably relieving to my mom compared to the ovarian cancer we thought it was. For awhile, there was talk of the situation as being very, very dire with very few options. Since then, it's been roller coastery, but overall better.
My mom is in super good spirits. She's kind of a badass.
Should you become a bone marrow donor, you'll have a bone marrow aspirate (more is taken) not a biopsy. At least I think that is right, I should probably ask a child life specialist, oh wait, I am one. Oops. Hehehe