evergreen + rain drops

leaf + grasping
It's all relative. Is it a good day? A bad day? I feel...depressed? But I don't know if I would call it that, because I know everything is going to be fine. Better than fine. I know this is important for me, this experience. One part of me is actually grateful for the challenges, knowing my job is to let go and float down stream, follow my bliss, see where I go. On some other level, I just feel...tired. And not just toomah tired, but some kind of emotional hangover of sorts. I feel like my vulnerabilities have been exposed, like the ground I stand on is shaky. And intellectually, I know that's okay and even good...but I'm having a hard time moving, because I just feel a little, I guess, beat down? It just is what it is.
I'm not at work. I'm working out things that make part of me sad, like setting up what to do if I need to take a leave of absence (which is heart breaking to me!), going to the doctor, making more appointments, figuring out how to get my insurance company back on my good side, and catching up on a lot of the work-related things I simply did not do last week when I was in my pharmaceutical daze.
This moment is the perfect teacher. This moment is the perfect teacher. This moments is the...

trash water fall + upgrade to class I rapid
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