Our new gazebo thingy + patio furniture + three dogs
My lot in life seems to be humility. For example, ask me how I know this: If you have to pee, and then you pass out, you will pee on yourself while you are passed out.
A couple of weeks ago, I was getting some tests done. I meditated that morning, so I felt uber zen. Even when I set in the blood taker chair, I thought, "This is where I am. I want to be present for it." So, I went into the feeling of slight anxiety I had, and as usual, that made it go away. Might as well look at the needle, I thought, if I'm really going to be present.
Then I felt tingly. The last thing I remember is this phebotomist lady (think Aunt Jemima) ordering me, "you better not pass out, because I'm not picking me up off the floor."
I left the lab that day, my own personal walk of shame, with a phlemobomist coat wrapped around my waste and a look from several people in the waiting room that said, "Was that the only chair?"
Ah, a day in the life.
In other news, today I went to get a brain MRI. It was my first needle since you know what. Same building. I got through the no contrast part fine, easy peasy. Before they even touched the needle to my arm for the freaky injection of metal dye, I knew the game was over and I was on my way out. I think my mind made me do it; it's like becoming Miss Pee Pants gave me a phobia, so now I'll pass out regardless! Anyways, they told me to come back later and take some of their chewable xanax and that I should be fine.
We're both super excited about nerdy stuff like our patio furniture and gazebo thing. The creek comes with an army of mosquitos. Now, we have our own little plan, muah ha ha.
Oh, yesterday my cat jumped up and knocked down my cup of tea onto my computer. So, I got a new one. Sad to lose my old computer, but I knew it's days were numbered anyways. I'm really loving my new Mac-- I got the "green" one, because well, I haven't set up my recycling. So, now when my hip, liberal environmentalist (as I proclaim to be, except for hip) neighbors notice I never take my recycle bin out to the curb, I can flash them my super green macbook.
Peed in my car once. *cough*
ReplyDeleteHey! I owe you a HUGE email, and I'm so excited to talk to you about my boyfriend, JVdW, and problem-solving young kids in general, but it's been cuh-razy with all the layoffs and everything. Hopefully this weekend!