Tuesday, July 29, 2008



I was just at the house, as we're getting the inspection right now. So far, everything is solid, especially for a house built in the 30's.

I met my across-the-street neighbor, another teacher at another arts magnet (but the high school one, which is where Norah Jones went). He mentioned that he often made dinner for the prior owner of our house (noted!). He also said that the hood is a great group of people with an active home owner's association, which is trying to get some small spring-fed "lakes" back in the community. He said that there is actually a waterfall (well, over a dam. Not an Ansel Adams situation...but still!) that is right in our back yard once the water rises some! To be honest, the more we are there, the more I notice I love about it. It is the sanctuary I've been looking for.

And, I feel a little mushy about how I got here. Once again, a testament to letting go a little, accepting and loving wherever I am *now* and following my bliss. Mia, you totally had a part in this. Isn't it strange how much these weird little blogging friendships can end up changing our thinking and effecting our lives? When I was whining about no nature in Dallas, Mia said, (with great tact!) "bloom where you are planted." So, I did. We knew we wanted a greater sense of community, maybe a little more progressive-minded, diversity...so we started looking at houses. From there, we fell into this house, which we cannot believe they are selling to us for a price we can afford.

Inspired by Lori, I've decided I need a "me room," for uninterrupted meditation, introspection, etc. I thought it was going to be easy, as the garage is already partially converted: Make a little room. Done. The thing is, apparently, for a garage conversion to really matter for home value, you need to extend the foundation. So, not quite as easy as slapping up some dry wall. When I was sitting in stillness for a bit today, I remembered that I've always been inspired by little outdoor prayer chapels...So, there's an idea, and a pretty feasible one, I think. A little room, built outside with some good views, the size of a big closet just long enough for yoga movements, with electricity (in case I want to write) and nature all around, where I can be still and in total solitude. There is a part of me that feels guilty for wanting a room just for me, but I guess people just have different needs. Maybe it's because I grew up being alone a lot. My mom worked the night shift a lot, and even though we lived in an old trailer, it was on all this land. I enjoyed that solitude so much. I didn't feel lonely anymore when I was outside with my little dog, laying in grass. I miss that. I am never alone in nature, and I've realized that I will be deeply sad if my kids don't get to have a similar experience: Not a lot of stuff, but a lot of nature. Like anyone else, I lose my footing in life sometimes...but I'm so happy I know a place where I can find it again.

And deeply grateful that something so inspiring is probably going to be right in my back yard. More pictures coming.


  1. Oh my, I am SOOOOO happy for you! And you know what? I'm jealous! *L* Your new home sounds like my dream home ~ how funny is that, as I work on "blooming where I'm planted" for myself! I'd love to be planted near a stream with a wee waterfall in a 1930s bungalow. *sigh* heaven! Good for you.

    ps ~ Next week is when I'm teaching the institute, I'll let you know about the book!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I'm so happy for the 4 of you....can't wait to visit one day! Love,
    your sister in law

  4. I'm so excited for you! I can't believe that you're going to be a homeowner of a place which sounds 100% idyllic and perfect for you!

    You go, girl!


  5. Dude,
    DON'T feel bad about wanting your own space. Everybody has needs and Bobby knows now no matter where we go, I get to have my own room. It's so great making that standard for myself. As far as the outside room, I love the idea and am even a little jealous! lol. I have something like this in mind for you-


    Hope all your awesome visions come through.
