Ayruveda update: I'm doing...okay. Meditating more, although serious drop off with this whole house thing. Oh, and since the house hunt, I haven't exercised a lick, and have been eating crap only. Purely crap, and not just regular crap but emotionally eaten crap. So we are talking about ice cream, salt and vinegar chips, an occassional pizza...Slipped into major unconsciousness with my eating choices. Not pretty, people.
So, today I'm resetting my "agni." (digestive fire) I'm doing a liquids fast, which is good for the soul because you get to see all the a-hole thoughts you have when you don't get to soothe them by feeding your face...and they do come, but then they go, and I have a feeling is is more cleansing mentally than being less aware that those thoughts are in the back of your mind. So far, I'm doing well and am still amicable, but 4 o'clock-ish is my usual struggle time for this. I wouldn't call. :)
I'm embarassed to tell ayurveda doc that I've barely been doing the very basic things he suggested. I mean, I've made efforts, but, well... You know. On the positive side, OVERALL since I've seen him: I'm eating food that is more fresh (more prana, or life force), more balanced meals overall, been taking triphala (the India wonder-tonic), and have thought about exercise more (hmm?). Oooh, I know. I started a gratitude journal; that's huge.
House update: Put in the offer. Hopefully, when we talk to our realtor in an hour or so, we'll at least have some little tiny bit of information. I'm a little concerned, because I know someone else was interested, and our realtor said she'd give the seller's realtor a heads-up there was a full-price offer coming. I hope she was able to reach him. You never know. I keep saying, follow your bliss, then hold on as your faith in that ideal is challenged...the point isn't instant gratification, it's in the holding on.
Miriam update: Yes, I still want it! Me! Pick me! Actually, I responded to your comment (you know how they come to you in email), and I kind of thought it might not actually work (and now we know), but I got destracted and never checked. Sorry.
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