Not to be categorized into new phenomenon of dog-lovers books genre. This is MUCH more.
Art. Beautiful. Maybe the best book I have ever loved. This morning, I had no idea it existed; it caught by eye at Starbucks, and I finished it shortly before midnight, teary and vowing to never love another book as much. Intelligence. Brilliance. Beautiful prose. Pages that turn themselves so fast my eyes could barely keep up.
Enzo, the narrator, is a dog/philosopher sure he is soon to be reincarnated as a human. He has an affection for smells, going fast, opposable thumbs and his human best friend, Denny.
"Your car goes where your eyes go." -Enzo
"Give me my thumbs, you ****ing monkeys." -Enzo
Hmmm, I've seen that book at the 'Bucks and thought it looked interesting. Might just have to pick it up after all!