currently reading

Sometimes I like to think all deep-like. I'll say that above a whisper, because in some circles it is at least a little ego-gratifying. What I'm less likely to admit is that often I dream in pale pink toe nail polish and shades of estrogen. Tell the non-makeup wearing, cheerleader judging teenager that is my former self and I will deny it. I like chick flicks. I like chick lit. I have seen Mean Girls and Bridget Jones Diary a bazillion times, and for the love of God, "nobody puts Baby in a corner."
As if you need more ammunition, I own 13 Going on 30. And Three Men and a Little Lady? Hands down, one of the best sequels of all time. I am only a little ashamed to admit this.
I love it all in the way that if I could actually draw a little mid-sentence heart right here on the computer screen in place of the word love, I would hasten to do so. Jennifer Weiner is the goddess of contemporary chick lit, if you ask me. I'm on a re-read-a-thon, in prep for her newest, which is coming out in April. This is unprecidented for me, because I am not a re-reader, unless we are talking about the nutritional data for Cadbury Cream Eggs, which I keep hoping will change for the better. They are NOT creepy!
also currently reading

Of course, I'm also reading A New Earth, with my super functional little highlighter posty thingy that was rightly featured on Oprah. Have you seen that thing? Genious.
Anyways, I'm always reading something spiritual/metaphysical like this, so it's nothing totally new, but apparently a big deal; over a million people have downloaded the video class she and Eckhart Tolle are having online. I watched it. It's very good, and I can't believe it is on the Oprah show, honestly. It is anything but mainstream, and I think a lot of people see her as a Disney-boycotting Baptist. Just the other day, I was at at a teacher training. This is in Texas, mind you..the actual buckle of the Bible belt, where at another training a facilitator once announced "Hey, ya'll, it's alright to just say 'Amen,'" to which about 3 people in western-wear raised their right arms and let out a drawl-infused chorus of, "Ay-meein." At this particular session, I eavesdropped onto one girl telling another girl, "I like Oprah, but I just don't get how she reconciles living with Stedman. I mean, she is a woman of faith."
I said nothing, because like my mom said, my mouth gets me in trouble. And in Texas, you can take that to the power of about three.
Once, when I worked for a college newspaper my freshman year (in TX), I wrote an editorial entitled "Does Common Sense Stop at the Red River?" (That would be the river that makes the Northern-most border of TX) Really. With my picture next to it. In a conceal and carry state. I know.
ack ... i just wrote this long comment and blogger ate it :(
ReplyDeletesigh. will try to recreate ...
i love chicklit and discovered ms. weiner sometime last year and am excited to hear the new book is out in april ~ maybe i should do a re-read too :)
i am also reading a new earth though not because of oprah and am often loathe to follow the crowd ... though i trust your contradictions as i do my own so i think i will download the videos this weekend, thank you ... xo
That Xanga thing ain't nothin! But this is a great review! I'd much rather read this than that little feature on the bottom of xanga. I don't use that very much...but I still hang out there. Can't help it. It was my first blog. :)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, and I'm reading that book, too. :) I must say which IS because of Oprah, but strange in that I don't usually watch Oprah. Just happened to catch it one day and thought it sounded interesting. I haven't seen the second sit down yet... But am enjoying the book immensely.