...am one of the last Lisa Loeb fans. Hence the title. I like to sing to her songs, I have a tiny girl crush on her, and I wish I had her glasses.
...need to clean my house. Observe clutter in photos.
...sometimes turn on the hand dryer when I leave a restroom that I only went into to primp and therefore had no reason to wash my hands (and didn't)- but I didn't want anyone to think I, you know, went and didn't wash 'em. Wow, that's a little crazy.
...am a little crazy.
...share a birthday with my husband (really). He turns 31 Thursday. Me, 28.
...am not getting Invisilign inspite of my quite imperfect teeth, partly because of how endearing I think Tori Amos' crooked imperfect teeth are.
...am already listening to Christmas jazz music.
...LOOOOOOVE the fall and love fall themed things, like the pumpkin spice latte at S-bucks.
...like to walk through Nieman Marcus because it smells good.
...wish I could wear expensive clothes from Anthropologie, because I think they are walking ART. I feel kind of bad for wanting these expensive clothes; it's against my values, really...but, they are so pretty.
...get older and stupider. Or wiser, in a way, bc I was always this stupid but now I KNOW. Sometimes I think, "what else don't I know?"
...impersonated Cartman to a group of students the other day. They were so surprised I could do it that they almost fell off their chairs.
...am a little embarassed at how gratifying it is to be able to impersonate a South Park character.
...have started downloading tv shows off itunes. The lineup: Sarah Silverman, Weeds, Scrubs. I watch them when I exercise.
...I feel kind of bad for liking to watch Sarah Silverman's show, bc I don't think I'd like her in person...a little too over the top mean...the kind of mean that makes you think you actually could end up youknowwhere just by knowing her.