Wednesday, February 28, 2007

stream of consciousness

fitness stuff...So, what is up with me coming home and falling asleep right after dinner? How could I POSSIBLY be SOO exausted? I know first yr teaching is supposed to be a killer, but wouldn't it be different by now...Will this exaustion EVER go away (other than in the summer, of course!)...Looking at my diet, this makes me wonder if poor nutrition isn't the culprit. Especially for someone who's had some yuck low blood sugar issues, I probably shouldn't be going long periods of time w/o eating, and then binging on chocolates b/c I'm so starving (and there is always a teacher around me who will give up some of their stash)! I was doing a great job of planning out and preparing all of my meals, vitamins and even outfits so that healthy eating and exercise would be a planned part of my day instead of something I do when I 'feel like it,' which is NEVER. Lately, it seems as though I've fallen off of every bandwagon that I've ever been on...but, I am picking myself back up slowly...I will get there!!

I'm happy, but sometimes it seems that I barely exist during the weekdays...I'm just so tired. Maybe it is not work; maybe it is nutrition or the fact that I'v upped my exercise (SOME!) overall lately...1.5 weeks until spring break!

random stuff...Well, now it's 4am...I've been up for awhile due to one of the worst nightmares ever involving finding a bucket of brains and fingers (really!) in my closet. I was rooming with another teacher at my school (you know, "teacher-mares"), and we found the bucket together after she had been sent a letter from a man who had been in our apt. for some type of contract work...He had placed it there to 'show her what she was in for.' Sounds silly now, but holy cow, it freaked me out. In the dream I called my dad, and he offered me moving expenses and said I could live with him. How odd, in a time when I probably need to be working on my relationship with my dad (no drama, it's just that that's part of why we moved here, and teaching has kept me so busy).

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