Wednesday, November 29, 2006

16 more days to Christmas Vacation

I know, teachers aren't supposed to think like that. If you think that's bad, you should hear the thoughts in my head when one of my students told me I need to dye my hair today; this color doesn't work for me. Homonal little angel.

You know what, though. I haven't quit. I'm miserable
in a lot of ways, and this is stressing me to the max,
but I'm sticking with it even when it's far from


  1. Oh god, I totally can relate to this posting.

    It sounds like you're really doing what you can, though, and I guess that's all we can do. Try to push ourselves a bit past our comfort zones (or "lean into it," as I've heard it be called), and see what happens. If it gets TOO stressful too much of the time, time to reevaluate.

    I've been thinking a lot about this lately: how much effort do we put into something(s) before it's time to make a change? It's so unclear. Do we stick something out even though we hate it because it might get better? Or do we change something because we're unhappy and have the power to alter our course?

    By the way, I think it's not a bad idea to have some Klonopin on hand just in case. That's what I do, too, and sometimes just knowing its there is enough for me to calm down. Sometimes it isn't, but that's why its there.

    Good luck with things, Faye. Hopefully with some distance from day 1 of the period will help clear up the muddle a bit. :)

  2. I so can't wait to catch up on my blog reading, but I wanted to let you know, with my tail between my legs, that yes I am back. =)ATG is up and running again.

  3. hey lady,
    how about posting a new blog? i mean come on, you had a whole day off today!!??!!??
