Wednesday, November 16, 2005

update: mysterious rash unveiled

I have this., being the obsessive freak that I am, I was able to tell my dr. what I had without him telling me, and his jaw nearly hit the floor. No, nice dr. man, it's not that I'm a genius (well, I may be, but this is no example!); I'm merely a little insane and I couldn't sleep for one minute until I was 100% positive whether I had a flesh-eating virus.

The best thing about this "disease" is that it is next to unknown for it to appear on the face or fore-arms....except in me! It's just too funny and typical of my awkward and generally embarassing lifestyle for me to be that upset. You know, I don't get as upset by stuff like this as some people might, simply b/c it always really and truly does happen to me. Did I cry when the hairdresser at the beauty college jacked my hair up so bad that another student came over and whispered in my ear, "make her stop?" Nah--Been there too many times. Just a day in the life. I'm "that girl."


  1. So ... do you happen to have pitoriasis rosea? And no, I don't actually think that's the correct way to spell it.

    Because if you do, I did too. And truth be told, it ain't so bad and doesn't last as long as they tell you it's going to.

    And if now, then what is it? Inquiring minds want to know.


  2. yes, that's what it had it too?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how long did it last? Were you stressed at the time? they say it might happen to people when their immune system is jacked, and that otherwise the virus may already be in us but we just aren't susceptible to it. and, you know the "herald patch?" mine is on my FACE. my face. seriously. that's what had kept me from thinking that pityr. rosea might be the diag, b/c usually they r not on the face at all...yeah, it's really not that bad. i'm sort of a drama queen.

  3. Well, I didn't get any of the red dots on my face, but I had them all over my entire torso and arms, all the way down to my wrists and up my neck. You know what I did? I wore long sleeve shirts and scarves ALL THE TIME so that nobody would be able to see them.

    My doctor was awesome and spent a lot of time explaining it to me. She said that people are most likely to get it when the seasons are changing (I got it in spring...time of starting to wear tank tops again) and when they're stressed out (which I most definitely was). She also told me to prepare myself for having it last for a couple of months, which it really honestly didn't. It was maybe a month from very first itchy red dot appearing it very last itchy red dot disappearing.

    The most interesting thing that my doc told me was that I could expect it to reappear every single year pretty much for the rest of my life. But let me tell you, I had it once and it has never come back again. (Knock on wood...)

    So here's what I have to tell you about my experience with it: although it's hard to not feel like a leper, don't worry about it ... it'll go away soon. And wash with Aveeno soap all the time because it really does help the itch. And whatever you do, DON'T LET IT STRESS YOU OUT MORE!!!!!

    I know, I know, not likely, right?

  4. Oh man, I remember when M had this too! It was when we first met, several years ago... :)

    Well, if it makes you feel any better, A COUPLE of my friends had **scabies** recently. That required washing every inch of fabric in their houses.

    It's always good to know someone else has it worse, you know?

  5. it is possible that scabies is my greatest fear in, compound fracture...but after that, scabies for sure. :) blah. ugh. boo.

  6. When I clicked on "this", I saw an enormous, hairy belly. And I thought, "Really?" Then I did some reading, and although I send my sympathies (it sounds unpleasant) I thought it might cheer you to point out that at least you don't, in point of fact, have an enormous, hairy belly.

  7. Join the club Girly Girl. I got the shit end if the stick here, as far as a strange rash is concerned, but I blame it on my run away prostitute cat. I have the worst of your fears. Ick factor 101. Hope you feel better.

    And for what it's worth my mom AND dad are functioning alcoholics...

    It just sucks all around these days.

    Wine out of the box is bad news. LOL
