Wednesday, April 13, 2005

shaving my legs above my knees, and other anomalies

Well, this will probably not be very insightful, because I just don't know what to write at all. I just got back from a really short workout. Emphasize the *short*. I forgot quarters for the parking meter, and didn't want to risk getting a ticket, so I shook my ass on this funky elliptical-like machine for ten minutes and then left...but, you know, I'm feeling pretty energized, so I think I might take my BELOVED dog out for a run in a little bit.

I'm pretty excited because I get to start my physical therapy for my knee this week. To answer Megan's question, he said I have (may God help me spell this) chondromalacia--it's the most common knee problem in young women, er, ladies. Basically, there is some muscle imbalance in a particular muscle in my quad area compared to my, my patella is not sliding up and down but in some jacked up motion that ends up causing pain after running....there are also some disturbing grinding sounds involved as well. Well, they're going to watch me run and check out my shoes and the way I walk and give me all kinds of advice...what shoes/inserts I need to correct the problem, how to land, exercises to correct the imbalance--it's really neat. I'm glad I go to a school where they hire great sports medicine people to keep the athletes healthy, because then I get to go too! The down side: Not only do I have to reveal my blindingly pasty white legs, but I have to shave them regularly now.--even above the knees. I mean, I have to KEEP doing that. Of course I always do that.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

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  2. Heh. I thought I was the only one who didn't see the point in shaving above the knees. Can't remember the last time I did it, either. I'm so lazy!

    I wish I had some insight into UT Health Science Center her in TX, but I don't! My mother went there as an undergraduate and I do actually know one doctor who studied there and is now in his residency.

    Hope you had a chance to head outdoors with the doggie.
