Monday, October 25, 2004

ramble number one.

"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."
-Elie Wiesel

For a perfectionist such as myself, it is an absolutely formidable task to attempt to begin something such as this without hitting a never-ending demon posession cycle of type/delete/type/delete...Thank the Gods of rational thought that I finally know enough about myself to realize that I absolutely cannot attempt to define and sum-up my self-complicating existence in a title,
or in a few paragraphs of text..., today, at least.

Henceforth (yes, henceforth), I have decided to begin simply...with my favorite quote in life, which has been credited to a hero of mine...Elie Wiesel- Author of a life-changing true narrative reflection of his experiences in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.
PLEASE read it.
This brings me to goal number one:
Evade indifference.
It may seem a tad serious---and, I often do not seem a serious gal. Let's get real here, though.
Life is short.
What is the damned point of meandering along without really being alive...without really caring?
There is more. Always, there is more. I will expound upon this, and many other annoying details that you could probably do without, in the near furture. First I have to learn how to do this damned blog thing.


  1. Welcome!!!!

    First of all, I love that quote. I've been spending a lot of time recently struggling with what I think about love and the opposite of love and the loss of love and all that. So right now Mr. Wiesel is really speaking to me.

    Second of all, the fact that I have a blog and can just let loose on the net has made me feel more alive. I'm connecting with random people all over the country and, even more than that, I'm expressing things that I only ever think. It's interesting. I think you're going to love it.

    So again, welcome!

  2. Margaret,
    I think this is me posting a comment to your comment.
    But, probably not. That would be too convenient.
    Thanks for your comments! My first comments ever! ...and, so inspiring. Yes, Wiesel is incredibly wise. Best of luck and pos. energy for whatever it is that has gotten you to thinking so deeply! Life really is short. Too short for bull shit, anyways.--Not that I don't regularly have to remind myself to wade through my own bull shit just to get back to the facts...:)
