Okay, so when my computer, my love, went on sabbatical, I gave some things up. One of them was visiting the fab website, Crazy Sexy Life. You know, Kris Carr? You know. Anyways, I love it there! I believe the support among like-minded folks I've received there is part of how I figured out how to get better and leave the health drama behind. I especially love Fit Club, where you can informally log your workouts, etc., and give and receive support from others. It's quite warm, quite fuzzy.
So, while I was away, I was chosen as member of the week! Had no idea. Love that! So touched. I'm never skipping out on CSL again!
So, to reiterate: I'm SO much better. I'm mostly balanced at work. I've lost between 16 and 20 biggies (so far!) that I put on when I was sick, depending on how you look at it. I'm in my goal (first goal) jeans- Okay, so they used to be my fat pants. Who cares! Oh, and I did make it to the super fancy pants specialist of all endocrine tumors, etc. I could give you details, but I'm so OVER the details of my lack of health. Let's talk about the many, many fabulous counterparts, such as the body that sustained me, the wisdom from teachers like Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Pema Chodron, etc. that kept me from losing my mind during that crazy ass time. I will never, ever be the same. I will always give my body everything it wants and says it needs, I have little doubt of that.
My mom turned fifty yesterday; I know, young! When she was my age, she had a fifth grader. I truly cannot imagine. I turned twenty-ten last week, celebrating, of course at Eno's. I've got some very special livelifetothefullest tentative plans for this year, but I'm a bit superstitious to reveal- Last year, people I love dearly kept getting cancer when I was planning trips. Thank God for the blessings of health that everyone in my family seems to be enjoying right now. Peace, the utmost peace, to those going through a different experience.
B and I are going through a weird time, but are each growing so much because of it. Will expound when ready.
Hmm, seen my social filter? No?